Short Stuff

Short Stuff
dolLfaceee huh ?

Friday, June 4, 2010

do now: 6/4/10 :D

they say you cant judge a book by its cover . i entirely agree with this because appearance isn't everything . books are judge how pretty the cover looks or sounds . and it shouldn't be based on that . just like a person , the ugliest person could be everything you look for in another persons personality . or maybe the lazies person we assume the are stupid but in fact they aren't the probably are geniuses . another example would be like if you see a really happy joyful person but you don't know that inside is a really depressed human that wants to commit suicide therefore books are just like people and they shouldn't be judged amongst the cover the have

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


gangs today are polluting our society . it is wrong and they need a turning point of their life . they think the stand for their own territory and respect but they don't they are just lowering themselves even more and their pride and dignity are no longer valued . some known gangs are trinity , bloods, cribs, the mafia , ddp .

Thursday, May 6, 2010

writing , writing ,writing

so you think you can rule this town huh ?
comrades and my fellow animals, don't be fooled by Napoleon he doesn't care about you animals and yess napoleon im talking about you . you thought you can keep it a secret . well no i dont think so !
guys he only gains power you give him , we have to stop this once and for all !

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


capitulated / (ca·pit·u·late )
verb ; To surrender under specified conditions; come to terms.
the example shown above illustrates : one charater to capitulate ( surrender )

Conciliatory / ( con·cil·i·ate )
adjective ; intended or likely to placate or pacify ( to gain (as goodwill) by pleasing acts )

the example above illustrates : how Obama is lending out his help to solve all the problems of the united states , this shows how hes trying to gain trust with all his citizens

retinue / (
ret·i·nue )
noun ; past participle of retenir to retain : a group of advisor , assistant or others accompanying an important person .

the example above illustrates : a retinue of noble men , the important one of them is the front and the others are just accompanying them . this represents a retinue

Friday, April 30, 2010

independent reading

young girl , just turned 16 . her name is Spencer
in chapter 1 shes in a
gynecologist . shes getting checked out to get birth control pills . unlike many teens our character is a virgin . shes the type of friend they come to advice . shes very mature for her age and knows what she wants . she never had a boyfriend in these chapter her friends are trying to talk to her into socialize with different guys and to be more out there . shes stuck in a very hard decision to make weather to follow peer pressure or stay single and continue her life without guy stress

Thursday, April 29, 2010

ideal world

My Utopian World .
My Utopian world is were everybody wishes will come true and look as perfect as they want to look. Barbie aspect , everyone would have the bodies they want , ill be the emperor of everything . every things gonna be bright pink and blue . not to colorful but not to dull . the houses are never gonna look the same , only uniqueness is advised . but ill keep everything in shape so our book of guidance is the iBible
just like the bible it will have commandments . there is only 7 they must be respected also .
  1. your favorite colors must be hot pink , turquoise , lavender , or green apple
  2. everyone has to be obedient to the golden rule . (you have to treat others as you wish to treated . )
  3. every religion is acceptable ( only if god is involve somehow )
  4. everyone goes to church on Sundays
  5. party in very block every Friday
  6. never trashy always classy
  7. thy shall have eternal happiness :)
everyone should like the following colors because its obviously my favorite colors . they don't bring sadness and my world has to be filled with happiness and only happiness. bright colors for a content soul .
the golden rule is what guides us with others , the way we act towards others is the way we get it back . we have to give to receive. mean if we give respect we get respected back , same to the negative , which i don't want in my world .
it doesnt matter what religion you have as long as you praise the lord and worship on sundays . the last day of the week is the holiest . therefore it should be given to god .

Monday, April 26, 2010

Napolean or Snowball ?

If i were to choose between Snowball or Napoleon , i would choose Snowball . i pick snowball because he is wiser and he makes good decisions i believe. plus he isn't for himself as Napoleon . also because Napoleon is power hungry and unlike him Snowball isn't like him Napoleon

Monday, April 12, 2010


The Lightening Thief

Booktalk - by Ms. Crespo

the lightening thief is a Greek mythology book who a kid discovers that he is not a wimpy kid who doesnt do good in school , he is a boy with many powers and is son of a god . the book sounds intresting but i dont think this book is intresting enough for me . i see i can get bored with this book and its sequeals .

Hidden Jewel

Booktalk - by Saraliz Sierra

a dramtic story , follwed by many others . just like the lightening thief i think this book would also make me bored . i dont like the way this story is there is alot of black magic . in my understanding the book was about a girl and how her mom is a witch and people dieing and coming back to life to reveal secrets and other stuff like that

The RibbaJack

Booktalk - by Kenny Serreano

kenny's book was about a boy who likes to get revenge on others by doing witchcraft and the teachers were trying to investegate on how he does it so he gets mad and creates a monster to get a greater revenge against all the people who ever did him wrong . i like this book because it has alot of climax and details . i think oi would read this book and enjoy it .

The Lovely Bones

Booktalk - by Zavier

this book was about a girl who gets killed and the dad is try to firgure out who her murder his child . Zavier told us the surprise which kind makes me not want to read this book anymore and he told us how the young girl dies and stuff that happened to her before she died


Booktalk - by Ana Sanchez

this book about a kid who 2 guys who threaten the boy ( jude ) not to say anything but instead of saying anything he blamed himself . the father used to abuse his mother and the mother left . the boy jude fianally finds his mother . the mother investagates the murder and the boy is un blamed and the true murders got locked up .

The Sight

Booktalk - by Xavier Ortiz

the book was about a pack of wolves trying to survive winter . hes book sounds BORING i think its only for people who like fiction stuff and action .

i . d .

Booktalk -By Maria

stealing an identity which led him to go to jail . he changed his life because he thought hes life was bad , this sounds like a really good story it has a lot of graphic details that i'd enjoy reading . maybe ill take a shot at reading this book sounds really fun .

Monday, March 29, 2010

do now 3/29

yes i like to read , when i am bored . although i do it to entertain me reading is very important to life . its important because it gives you more mentality . reading instructs you and guides you . novels sometimes relates to your life and gives you examples or options on what to do with your situation or maybe a minor problem .

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


( verb )
convalescent ; a person recovering from an illness or operation
- the picture above shows the little girl on the bed recovering from a illness .

Monday, March 8, 2010

my weekend x)

my weekend . i guess this weekend i had reflects on me for the rest of my life . a never changing experience . becoming an aunt for the first time really enlightens my heart . it gives me more reason to live , breathe and smile . i never thought in my wildest dream it would happen so fast .
it was last year when my sister in law had a miscarriage with her first pregnancy . i figured i wouldn't be an aunt anytime soon ever again . the miscarriage really brought me to great depression . the overwhelming feeling really got to me and i felt as i didn't even want to live . i had felt as if i were the mother of that child and lost the life that inspired me a lot . this weekend brought me the happiness back that was once stolen .

super powers

if i were to have super powers i would like to have rouge's powers from the Xmen evoultion . rouge's powers are unique and creative . Rogue’s mutant abilities include being able to temporarily absorb other mutants’ powers, memories and emotions simply by touching their skin. For a period of time after direct skin contact. i wouldnt just have one single power with this one but ill have many other powers .
i would use my powers for both bad and good . if someone does something bad to me i would most definitly use my powers on them ! and i would also use for my powers for good also . help those who are in need .